1. Organization
Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd
東京コミコン2023 では、ワーナー ブラザース ジャパン合同会社の協力のもと
場所 | 東京コミコン2023会場(幕張メッセ)内メイン・ステージ |
日時 |
2023年12月9日(土) 19時40分入場開始 19時50分上映開始(上映終了21時57分:上映時間2時間7分) |
応募方法 | 観覧希望の方は11月17日(金)23時59分までに以下のエントリーフォームからご応募ください。 抽選で100名の方を本プレミアム上映会ご招待いたします。 当選者の方には11月22日(水)までにご連絡いたします。 当選者の方への通知をもって発表にかえさせていただきます。 |
■ブルービートル レンタルDVD ■デジタル販売 ■デジタルレンタル
*Required items
Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd. (the Company) will comply to laws, guidelines and other regulations pertaining to the protection of personal information, and will hereby obtain personal information in accordance with below policies.
Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd
Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd. Personal Information Office Mitsuaki Munegumi
(1) Provision of information related to special events, cooperation, and exhibiting at Tokyo Comic Convention (TCC).
(2) Provision of newsletters, and request of comments, opinions, questionnaire.
(3) Other usage related to notification from the office and enquiries.
Personal information may be shared among third parties upon obtaining consent from each individual member (the Member). The Member will be provided with the third parties’ company/ organization name, and notification on the items of personal information that will be provided.
The Company may outsource the hanarticleing of personal information as necessary to a third party on the condition that they have agreed to a nondisclosure agreement. Due to operational reasons, exhibitor’s information may be provided to contractors conducting construction and/ or management work. The Company may use the obtained personal information as materials in, but not limited to, its articles and videos.
However in such cases, certain products and services may not be available.
The Company’s website and other networking services may automatically collect user access information by using IP apresses, cookies, and web beacons.
Request for disclosure, correction, and suspension of the usage of personal information shall be sent to the personal information protection manager of the Company.