Tokyo Comic con
Main Image illustration contest!!!

Tokyo Comic con Main Image illustration contest!!! | 東京コミコン

※The image above is the main visual for TokyoComiccon2023

Contest detail

Description As with last year, Tokyo Comic Convention will hold an illustration contest for our Main Image for this year's convention.
We are looking for the illustration that best represents, the movie and comic-inspired, convention.
※The art must be of the original character and have to be unpublished work.
  • Grand Prix Award (1 person)
    2024 Artist alley 1 Booth
  • Runner-up Grand Prix (1 person)
    3DAY PASS (pair)
  • Outstanding illustration Award(10 people)
    General admission ticket (pair)
※The grand prix winning entry will be used on our website, posters, brochures, and items for sale at Comic-Con.
※Runner-up and Excellence Awards may be used on this website, posters, brochures, and items for sale at Comic-Con.
※The rights to the rewards for contest winners are valid only for the winners themselves and are non-transferable.
 The specifications of the rewards are subject to change without notice.
※Please do not resell the rights and privileges of this contest through Internet auctions or other means.
Contest period June 1, 2024 ~ August 31, 2024
Eligibility The contest is open to all artist of all age and nationality. (parents consent is required for anyone under 18)
Entry detail ・A1 size: Portrait format (594mm x 841mm) / 350dpi / CMYK(data entry)

  • Entry by data
    please use the uploader and send us the download link.
  • Contact for any question
    If you have any question regarding the entry, please contact below apress.
※Please allow e-mail from "" if you are using any e-mail filter.
※We will not answer to any inquiry regarding the examination process or result.
Contest results Scheduled for early September, after careful screening by the executive committee, announcements will be made on this site.
Contest winner will also be contacted by e-mail.
General Rules ・Usage of private information.
※Your name/artist name may be shared to third parties as part of the operation of this contest. Such as when we announce the winner of the contest to the mass media and any other methods.

・Rights of submitted artwork.
※All rights to the entries will be transferred to Tokyo Comic Convention, Inc.
※After the results are announced, all rights other than the Grand Prix, Semi-Grand Prix and Excellence Award will be returned to the entrants.
※The Tokyo Comic-Con logo may be placed in an arbitrary location on the winning entry.
※Other than the Grand Prix entry, the Runner-up and Excellence Award entries may also be used in pamphlets, social networking sites, etc.
※Submissions must be the author's own original work and must not use existing characters from other companies.
※The applicant must be able to agree on the transfer of rights to the submitted work.
Notice ・In the following case entry may be disqualified.
※Not be able to submit legal documentation after winning the prizes.
※Infomaion provided included a false statement.
※Tokyo Comic Convention has the rights to terminate any awards if they are not fit to win the awards.
Hosted Tokyo Comic Convention committee
Disclaimer Tokyo Comic Convention committee will not be responsible for any harm to the participants caused by the following reason.
※Resolting the delay or the cancellation of the contest due to physical or technical difficulties, including any attempt of disruption by individuals or group.
※Could not enter to the contest due to the system or logistical problem.
※Infomaion provided by the participants are received wrong due to the system limitation or error.
※Anoucemnet of the wrong information that is not an intentional act by the contest.

Mail Form

*Required items

You can not access this page directly.

Privacy Policy

Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd. (the Company) will comply to laws, guidelines and other regulations pertaining to the protection of personal information, and will hereby obtain personal information in accordance with below policies.

1. Organization

Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd

2. Personal information protection manager

Tokyo Comic Convention Co., Ltd. Personal Information Office Mitsuaki Munegumi

3. Purpose for use of personal information.

(1) Provision of information related to special events, cooperation, and exhibiting at Tokyo Comic Convention (TCC).
(2) Provision of newsletters, and request of comments, opinions, questionnaire.
(3) Other usage related to notification from the office and enquiries.

4. Provision of personal information to third parties.

Personal information may be shared among third parties upon obtaining consent from each individual member (the Member). The Member will be provided with the third parties’ company/ organization name, and notification on the items of personal information that will be provided.

5. Management of personal information.

The Company may outsource the hanarticleing of personal information as necessary to a third party on the condition that they have agreed to a nondisclosure agreement. Due to operational reasons, exhibitor’s information may be provided to contractors conducting construction and/ or management work. The Company may use the obtained personal information as materials in, but not limited to, its articles and videos.

6. The Members may choose not to provide their personal information.

However in such cases, certain products and services may not be available.

7. Collection of personal information by non-consensual methods.

The Company’s website and other networking services may automatically collect user access information by using IP apresses, cookies, and web beacons.

8. Point of contact

Request for disclosure, correction, and suspension of the usage of personal information shall be sent to the personal information protection manager of the Company.